10 Fascinating facts about ostrich you wish you knew before
Ostriches are fascinating birds that are known for several prominent reasons across the World. You can find these beings natively in the wild of Africa. Here you may see them in a range of open arid and semi-arid habitats like Savannas and the Sahel.
These giant living birds are human-eaters, so you may want to keep them at bay with yourself. They are also ferocious predators of the wild animals in their region. These can even go on to live more than most animals for up to 50 years.
Go on to read more about them!

- They have the giant egg
You will be surprised to know that an Ostrich’s eggs are the largest of any other bird on this planet. Their eggs are 15cm long and weigh up to 1.4kg. They are 20 times the size of a domestic animal. Can you imagine that? However, their body size makes them the most miniature eggs in the World.
- They are the fastest runners
Ostriches can reach a speed up to 70km. They are the fastest of any two-legged creature and the fastest land speed of any bird. It can even take strides up to 5m when running in full tilt.
- Ostrich eggs can take up to 5 hours to boil
If you ever want to eat an Ostrich egg, have enough time to boil them. Unlike regular eggs that only require 10 minutes for boiling, Ostrich eggs require at least 5 to 6 hours for the same. So, you have to beware!

- They are blessed with the best eyesight
If you ever want good eyesight, you have good reasons to envy the Ostrich. These flightless birds are blessed with such impeccable eyes that they can see even things from a 3 to 5 km distance during the daytime. This helps them stay away from their predators and run for their life right on time.
- They do have wings
Although Ostriches cannot fly, they have wings for cooling and body balancing purposes. So, they hold their wings out to create balance and run significantly when they suddenly change their direction. However, they mainly use their wings for display and courtship.
- Their legs are their escape weapons
Ostriches don’t just use their legs to walk; they can run so fast that it helps them to escape from their ferocious predators at a time. It becomes challenging for their predators to catch hold of them for the same reason. What is most astounding is that their legs are a powerful weapon against giving lions a forward kick and killing humans on the spot?

- They do not bury their heads in the sand
It has been a popular belief for several centuries now that Ostriches bury their heads in the sand. However, that is a myth. This may have become from the bird’s defensive ways of lying low at the approach of trouble and pressing themselves on the ground. They do this to try and look less visible. And because their feathers blend appropriately with the sand, that is why they may begin to look like they have buried their heads in the sand.
- They are protective of their hatchlings
When the Ostrich babies hatch after 35 to 45 days, the males then defend their babies to protect them. They also help them to feed, although the male and female ones cooperate in rearing them. Thus, they take care of their eggs properly.
- Ostriches have three stomachs
You will be shocked to know Ostriches even have three stomachs that they use to swallow food and grind them through their stomachs. Since they lack teeth, they have to do this via their stomach.
- Ostriches can even prey on humans
Unlike other birds, Ostriches can prey on humans. They have killed many humans to act defensive as well during many previous cases. That is why it is best to keep them at bay when you see them next.
The Bottom Line
Ostriches are fascinating animals that can live from 50 to 60 years approximately. The male is generally called a rooster, while the female is called a hen. When they lay their eggs, they sit on the eggs during their daytime. You will also be shocked to know that they have no sweat glands or teeth. Ostriches are also unable to choke on their food.
It is said that the wild Ostrich went into decline around 200 years ago. However, Ostriches are continuing to become extinct across the World, and it is essential to find out various ways to conserve their habitat correctly. We hope that in the upcoming years we will be able to save them properly.