The 10 Most common lizards of Florida
Florida is a great place to see lizards! There are 10 common species of lizard that can be found in the state. Some, like the green anole, are very common and easy to find. Others, like the six-lined racerunner, are less common and harder to spot. In this blog post, we will discuss the 10 most common lizards of Florida!
1. The green anole (Anolis carolinensis) is the most common lizard in Florida. It is a small lizard with a green body and a long tail. Green anoles are often seen on trees and bushes.
2. The six-lined racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineatus) is a medium-sized lizard with a grey body and black stripes running down its back. Racerunners are fast lizards and can be hard to catch!
3. The eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) is a large lizard with a dark brown body and white patches on its sides. Fence lizards are often seen sunning themselves on fences or rocks.

4. The Florida scrub lizard (Sceloporus woodi) is a medium-sized lizard with a grey body and black spots on its back. Scrub lizards are often seen in sandy areas such as Florida scrubland.
5. The brown anole (Anolis sagrei) is a small lizard with a brown body and a long tail. Brown anoles are often seen on trees and bushes.
6. The eastern glass lizard (Ophisaurus ventralis) is a large lizard with a grey body and yellow stripes running down its sides. Glass lizards are often seen in fields and forests.

7. The Cuban Knight Anole (Anolis equestris) is a large lizard with a green body and orange spots on its sides. Knight anoles are often seen in trees and bushes.
8. The Florida sand skink (Plestiodon reynoldsi) is a small lizard with a grey body and black stripes running down its back. Sand skinks are often seen in sandy areas such as Florida beaches.
9. The Southeastern five-lined skink (Plestiodon inexpectatus) is a small lizard with a brown body and white stripes running down its back. Five-lined skinks are often seen in forests and fields.
10. The Florida Reef Gecko (Sphaerodactylus notatus) is a small lizard, about 2 inches long when fully grown. It features a pointed snout and dark brown fur. Unfortunately, in Florida, the population of this small lizard is threatened due to rising sea levels, and has even disappeared from certain regions.

Are lizards of Florida dangerous?
Most lizards of Florida are not dangerous to humans. However, there are a few species that can be harmful if they bite or scratch you. If you are bitten or scratched by a lizard, wash the wound with soap and water and see your doctor as soon as possible.
What do lizards eat?
Lizards of Florida typically eat insects such as crickets, beetles, and moths. Some larger species of lizard may also eat small mammals, reptiles, or birds.
How can I attract lizards to my yard?
If you want to attract lizards to your yard, try to create a habitat that is suitable for them. This means providing hiding places such as rocks or logs, as well as food sources such as insects. You can also try putting up a lizard house in your yard.
Do lizards make good pets?
Some people keep lizards as pets. However, it is important to remember that lizards are wild animals and may not be suited for life in captivity. If you are considering keeping a lizard as a pet, do your research first and make sure you are prepared to provide proper care for your new pet.
In conclusion, Florida is a state rich in reptilian life, hosting an array of different types of lizards. From the vibrant rainbow lizard to the elusive island glass lizard and slender glass lizard, these creatures add to the diversity and charm of local fauna. The green iguana, now a common sight in many parts of the state, is a perfect example of how adaptable some species can be in new environments. The lesser-known Jamaican giant anole is another intriguing species that calls Florida home. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, catching a glimpse of these green iguanas and other lizards is part of what makes experiencing Florida’s nature so unique.
Unlike iguanas, lizards are a common sight in Florida, and there are many different species that call the state home. Most of these lizards are not dangerous to humans but there are a few that can be harmful if they bite or scratch you. If you want to attract lizards to your yard, try to create a habitat that is suitable for them by providing hiding places and food sources. Some people keep lizards as pets but it is important to remember that they are wild animals and may not be suited for life in captivity.