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Top 10 Animals of the African Savanna you need to know

The African savanna is home to some of the most iconic animals in the world. From lions and elephants to zebras and giraffes, the savanna is teeming with wildlife. In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at 10 of the top animals of the African savanna that you need to know about. So without further ado, let’s get started!

What is the African Savanna?

The African savanna is a vast grassland ecosystem found in sub-Saharan Africa. It is home to some of the world’s most iconic animals, such as elephants, lions, giraffes and zebras. This type of ecosystem often has dry periods during the year when food and water are scarce. During the wet season, however, the savanna flourishes with abundant vegetation, providing an ideal habitat for a diverse range of wildlife.

Top 10 Animals from the African Savanna

Now, without further ado, we present to you the top 10 animals of the African savanna that you need to know about:

animals on the african savanna
African elephant – Image: The Sociable
1. The African elephant

The African elephant is the largest land animal on the planet, weighing in at around two hundred sixty to two thousand pounds. They are easily recognizable by their large ears and trunk, which they use for both communication and gathering food and water. African elephants are found throughout the savanna and are herbivores, eating mostly grasses and leaves.

2. Blue Wildebeest

The blue wildebeest is a large antelope native to the African savanna. They are very social animals, often seen grazing in large herds of hundreds of individuals. Blue wildebeest have impressive horns that can measure up to two feet long!

Another fun fact about them is that they are actually one of the fastest antelopes in Africa, reaching speeds of up to fifty five kilometers per hour when running away from predators.

3. The African leopard

The African leopard is a sleek and graceful cat that is slightly smaller than the lion. They weigh between one hundred fifty and two hundred pounds and are proficient climbers, often resting in trees during the day. Leopards are solitary hunters that stalk their prey before pouncing on it with their sharp claws and teeth.

Grant’s Gazelle – Image: African Wildlife Foundation
4. Grant’s Gazelle

Grant’s gazelles are one of the most common antelopes found in the savanna. They can weigh up to sixty five kilograms and can reach speeds of fifty kilometers per hour while running away from predators. Grant’s gazelles typically live in herds, but they can also be seen grazing alone or in pairs.

5. Black-backed Jackal

The black-backed jackal is a small canine that lives in the African savanna. They typically weigh around fifteen to twenty five pounds and have short coats of red or yellow fur. Black-backed jackals are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals, depending on what’s available. They often hunt small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

animals on the african savanna
Rhinoceros – Image: Columbus Navigator
6. Rhinoceros

The rhinoceros is a massive mammal that weighs between one thousand five hundred and six thousand pounds. They are easily recognizable by their thick skin and large horns, which are used for defense and digging up food. Rhinos are herbivores that eat mostly grasses, leaves, and twigs.

7. Warthog

The warthog is a large, pig-like mammal that lives in the African savanna. They are typically gray or brown in color, with long tusks and bodies covered in warts. Warthogs are herbivores that eat mostly roots, grasses, and fruits.

8. Spotted hyena

Spotted hyenas are one of the most feared predators in the African savanna. They have short, reddish-brown fur and large ears that help them to locate their prey from far away. Spotted hyenas typically hunt in packs and can take down animals much larger than themselves with ease.

animals on the african savanna
Nile crocodile – Image:
9. Nile crocodile

The Nile crocodile is one of the largest and most feared predators in the African savanna. They can grow up to sixteen feet long and weigh up to two thousand pounds! Nile crocodiles are ambush predators, waiting patiently for their prey before attacking with powerful jaws and sharp teeth.

10. Meerkat

Meerkats are small, social animals that live in underground burrows in the African savanna. They have grayish-brown fur and long tails that can measure up to twenty centimeters long! Meerkats are omnivores, eating both plants and animals depending on what’s available. They often hunt insects and other small prey as a group.

animals on the african savanna
Meerkats – Image: BBC
Bottom Line

The African savanna is home to an incredible diversity of animals, from elephants and gazelles to cheetahs and hyenas. Each one plays a unique role in the environment, making the savanna a vibrant and ever-changing ecosystem. From large predators to tiny insects, these species make up an important part of Africa’s natural heritage and should be protected for future generations to enjoy.