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White Peacocks: All you need to know

Peacocks are one of the most exquisite birds on earth. And, it is a sight to behold when a peacock displays its uniquely-shaped feathers and vivid colors. If there is a bird that has the right to display its vanity, it has to be the majestic peacock. But there is one particularly rare kind of peacock that can make quite the spectacle without any bright blue-green plumage: the white peacock. The entire appearance of a white peacock is the same as its blue counterpart, but his entire body and tail feathers are all pristine white. The magnificence remains the same as well because no one can look away when the white peacock decides to unfurl its brilliant feathers.

If you have ever seen such a regal white peacock and wondered about its origin, rarity, and the likes, you have come to the right place. Here’s sharing some of the coolest facts about white peacocks with you. Let’s get started!

White Peacocks Are Not Albinos

Their color would make most people think that they are albinos, but that’s the farthest from the truth. The white peacock happens to be the domesticated version of the Indian peacock that underwent a genetic mutation known as leucism. It leads to the inability of any pigment deposition into the feathers, and that causes the white appearance.

Further proof that they are not albinos is that albino birds have pink or red eyes and an absolute lack of any color. The white peacock has colored skin and blue eyes. The peachicks are also born yellow and start becoming white on maturing.

The History Of White Peacocks

Peacocks are native Indian birds, but the British spread peafowl in America and Europe when they ruled India. The white plumage started appearing around this time. It is widely unknown if the white color had made an appearance before being discovered by the British in India. However, the first white variant was reported back in 1830. Though you might find some white peacocks breeding naturally, most of them are now kept in captivity.

Where Would You Find White Peacocks?

Being a variety of the blue peacock of India, you can say that these are native South Asian birds. However, it’s now found in many other parts of the world, such as the lowlands of Sri Lanka and the grasslands of Australia. Typically, these birds prefer staying in dry-deciduous forests, though it’s hard to spot them in the wild anymore because of extinction. You can only see these beautiful birds at a nature reserve or wildlife reserve near you.

The Temperament Of White Peacocks

The presence of leucism usually makes the animals be pretty tame in most species, but not in the case of white peacocks. They are as feisty as the blue counterparts. Expect to be kicked and pecked if you try to handle or get too close to them. However, many of them have adapted to stay around human habitats and happily take scraps offered by the people.

They Are Not All White All the Time

You will find a variety of color patterns in the peafowl that are bred in captivity. So, they are not always pristine white as most people assume them to be. You might find one that is pied white, which is a combination of blue and white colors. There is also a blackshoulder peahen that is all white, but it is sprinkled all over with black dots.

How Rare Are White Peacocks?

All kinds of peacocks are basically rare, and the white peacock is not an exception. It is a particularly rare species because of the special genetic mutation mentioned before. There is more than one reason as to why this bird is rare, which we will explore in the next section.

What Makes White Peacocks Endangered?

The rampant hunting for feathers and meat and the widespread collection of chicks and eggs has led to the endangerment issue for white peacocks. Combine that with continuous human interference and the loss of their natural habitat, and you’ll feel the plight of these majestic birds.

When the birds are in residential areas, the noise and pollution affect their easy movement and preferred tranquility. In the wild, they face a constant threat from other animal species like dogs, monkeys, and so on. However, they can escape easily from the ground predators in the jungle by flying into the nearest tree. Even large birds of prey like that of rock eagle-owl and hawk-eagle hunt the white peacocks.


Hopefully, you are more informed about these fascinating birds now. Looking at these makes you realize the many wonders of Mother Nature, isn’t it? So, the next time you visit a wildlife or nature reserve, you can inform your friends and family about the white peacocks and their multiple wonderful features and characteristics.