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7 Animals that can live without water for years

Can you imagine having to live without drinking water for years? While it may be almost impossible to imagine life without water as a human, for some animals, it is not such a big deal after all. 

Some animals are gifted with the ability to survive without water for several years. So, you will have no option but to envy their level of hydration even during such times. 

Let us take a look at them! 

1 – West African Lungfish 

These are prehistoric animals that date back to nearly 400 million years old. These omnivore creatures can go up to a year without water in their cocoons until the rain comes and fills their waterways. They can weigh up to 8 pounds and six and a half to 40 inches long. They are also known as “living fossils” because they are called scientific circles. 

Even after this time, Lungfishes are found in large numbers in North and South Africa rivers in the freshwater swamps. Unlike other creatures, they are not prone to extinction yet and hopefully will not be until several years more. 

2 – Desert Tortoise 

This Tortoise can survive without water for up to a year and more as they store their water in their oversized bladder. It also can carry both urea and water without enough hindrances. So, when the water finishes, the Desert Tortoise fills it up again with enough water to store for a year or more. 

You can find these fascinating creatures in the Mojave Desert in the United States and the Sonoran Desert in Mexico. The hardy shells at their back are also often mistaken for rocks by people. But you do not want to alarm them, as that can be life-risking for you. 

3 – Kangaroo rat 

These cute creatures have long tails, four legs, and large heads. Usually, they are sandy brown and love their desert life. With their incredible hearing skills, they can even spot an owl approaching even from several miles away. You can find these little rodents in the western and southern regions of the United States. 

Kangaroo rats mainly live on seeds that help them to get metabolized enough to yield energy and water. What is most surprising is that kangaroo rats can go up to a decade without water. Imagine surviving even a day without this! 

4 – Hip sick pocket mouse 

Like the kangaroo rats, even pocket mice like this collect seeds that act as an incredible substitute for energy and water them.

The kangaroo rats and pocket mice are sedentary grocery shop keepers,” stated Mary Pice from the University of California Riverside. “They’ll stock the shelves and then defend that, and then live off the food that they’ve gathered and stored until the next amount of food is available.”

During hot and humid days, these small rodents hide inside their dens and return at night to enjoy the weather. Thus, they can be massively fascinating to watch from a distance.

5 – Thorny Devil 

Have you ever heard of an animal that can drink water from its skin? The Thorny Devil is covered with spikes, and there are water-collecting grooves between them. These can absorb every drop of water for them to store water for as long as they want. So, all the tracks run directly into this animal’s mouth and help them drink every droplet of water properly. 

These creatures are creepy-looking, and you may fear for your life when you go near them. You can find them in the desert regions of Central Australia. 

6 – Gila Monster 

Gila Monsters can quickly feel dehydrated, which requires them to store water in their bladders after the pre-summer rains. These monstrous creatures usually have water-rich diets but may still so without water for several years in a row. 

Since the desert regions are generally quite harsh for these creatures, they use their water-storing strategies to help them make the most of it without enough hindrances. It also helps them to cool down during these harsh weather conditions. 

7 – The couch’s spadefoot toad 

These Toads can survive without water for a long time and wrap themselves within their dead skin to insulate its body from dry soil. These creatures can be found in Canada and Southern Mexican regions. 

Spadefoot Toads mostly live on flies, spiders, moths, earthworms, and many other fantastic creatures. However, they can still survive without food for an extended period. Their large omnivore diet may also compel them to eat their species when there is a shortage of food. 

The bottom line 

These were some of the fascinating animals that can do without water for years, unlike humans. So, do not forget to observe them when you get the opportunity to see them physically.