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A comprehensive guide to animal group names that will make you go WOW

English is a strange and sometimes funny language. Things get humorous when you assign a variety of collective nouns to groups of particular animals. Giving collective names for groups of animals is a human tradition that dates back to medieval times. This is the primary reason why some names for groups of animals are strange. In schools, we are often taught about the names for collective groups of animals. You may know that a group of lions is called the pride, a group of owls is called a parliament, a group of cats is called a clowder, a group of chickens is called a flock, and so on. But it is a surprise that humans have given names for pretty much all collective groups of animals on the planet earth. If you appreciate nature and wildlife and want to explore more, why not start with learning the names of groups of animals? 

So have tried to make this post a little educational by compiling a list of the collective names for groups of animals. To your surprise, we will be doing an A-Z compilation of names for animal groups. 

Keep on reading to find out collective noun bats, collective noun eagles and other different animal group names. It is good to know the proper terms rather than the general terms, even if it is just to wow your colleagues, friends, or family. 

  • Apes: The collective name for a group of apes is called a shrewdness 
  • Buffalo: The collective name for a group of buffalos is called an obstinacy 
  • Bees: The collective name for a group of bees is called a swarm 
  • Bears: The collective name for a group of bears is called a sleuth 
  • Bats: The collective noun of bats for a group of bats is called a camp 
  • Badgers: The collective name for a group of badgers is called a cete 
  • Butterflies: The collective name for a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope
  • Crows: The collective name for a group of crows is called a murder 
  • Crocodiles: The collective name for a group of crocodiles is called a bask 
  • Cobras: The collective name for a group of cobras is called a quiver 
The collective name for a group of foxes is called a skulk
  • Cats: The collective name for a group of cats is called a clowder or glaring
  • Camels: The collective name for a group of camels is called a caravan 
  • Donkeys: The collective name for a group of donkeys is called a drove 
  • Dogs: The collective name for a group of dogs is called a pack 
  • Elk: The collective name for a group of elks is called a gang 
  • Elephants: The collective name for a group of elephants is called a parade 
  • Eagles: The collective name for a group of eagles is called a convocation
  • Frogs: The collective name for a group of frogs is called an army 
  • Foxes: The collective name for a group of foxes is called a skulk 


  • Fish: The collective name for a group of fish is called a school 
  • Ferrets: The collective name for a group of ferrets is called a business 
  • Falcons: The collective name for a group of falcons is called a cast 
  • Gorillas: The collective name for a group of gorillas is called a band 
  • Giraffes: The collective name for a group of giraffes is called a tower 
  • Geese: The collective name for a group of geese is called a gaggle 
  • Hyenas: The collective name for a group of hyenas is called a cackle 
  • Hippopotamus: The collective name for a group of the hippopotamus is called a bloat 
  • Iguanas: The collective name for a group of iguanas is called a slaughter 
  • Jellyfish: The collective name for a group of jellyfish is called a smack 
  • Jaguars: The collective name for a group of jaguars is called a shadow 
  • Kangaroos: The collective name for a group of kangaroos is called a mob 
  • Lions: The collective name for a group of lions is called a pride 
  • Leopards: The collective name for a group of leopards is called a leap 
  • Lemurs: The collective name for a group of lemurs is called a conspiracy 
  • Mules: The collective name for a group of mules is called a pack 
  • Monkeys: The collective name for a group of monkeys is called a troop 
  • Moles: The collective name for a group of moles is called a labor 
  • Nightingales: The collective name for a group of nightingales is called a watch 
  • Owls: The collective name for a group of owls is called a parliament 
  • Oxen: The collective name for a group of oxen is called a yoke 
  • Otters: The collective name for a group of otters is called a family 
  • Porcupines: The collective name for a group of porcupines is called a prickle 
  • Pigs: The collective name for a group of pigs is called a drift 
  • Quails: The collective name for a group of quails is called a covey 
  • Rabbits: The collective name for a group of rabbits is called a herd 
  • Shark: The collective name for a group of sharks is called a shiver 
  • Tigers: The collective name for a group of tigers is called a streak or ambush
  • Urchin: The collective name for a group of urchins is called vagrant   
  • Vultures: The collective name for a group of vultures is called a wake 
  • Whale: The collective name for a group of whales is called a pod 
  • Xenops: The collective name for a group of xenops is called a flock 
  • Yak: The collective name for a group of yaks is called a herd 
  • Zebra: The collective name for a group of zebras is called a zeal

So, what do you think? Isn’t it interesting?