
Marine AnimalsRecent PostsTop Articles

Sea Lions: habitat, diet and facts that will make you love them

Sea Lions are generally boisterous, playful, and intelligent animals. These cute creatures come in a variety of species that make them such a widespread community altogether. They love to relax, bask in the sun and swim as fast as they can. Oh, and they also feature an undying love for noisy barking for some reason.
Did you know that Sea Lions are excellent swimmers that help them take excessively sharp turns? Find out more about such unique features about Sea Lions below.

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Marine AnimalsRecent PostsTop Articles

6 Octopus species that will blow your mind away

These Octopus species will blow your mind away with their unusual characteristics and several entertaining facts. No wonder they are so popular everywhere now.
With their bulging eyes, sharp tentacles, and unique characteristics, they make it inevitable for us to take a peek into their world. So, let us dive into their world and unravel some of the popular Octopus species that rule the underwater world with their splendidness.

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